Torah Code Download Free

The Bible code, also known as the Torah Code, is a method described as a 'hidden code' of selecting Equidistant Letter Sequences from within the 3,300 year old Hebrew Bible that form words and phrases that demonstrate foreknowledge and prophecy. The study and results from this cipher have been popularized by Michael Drosnin's book The Bible.

How is it possible that a book written over 3,300 years ago contain events and people that are as current as a daily newspaper?

What are the Torah Bible Codes?

What are the Torah Bible Codes?

Torah Codes constitute one of the dimensions of the hidden light of Judaism. The teachings of Judaism come from the written tradition and the oral tradition, on Mount Sinai over 3300 years ago. The written tradition is the Torah consisting of the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, all written in the language of biblical Hebrew.

The open part of the oral tradition was written down not quite 2000 years ago and is found in the Talmud, written in the language of Aramaic. The less open part, the hidden light, is carried by both an oral tradition and written tradition called the Kabbalah. One of the dimensions of Kabbalah is Torah Codes.

Who is behind the codes? Where do they come from and what do the all mean? This site provides the evidence you now decide what it all means to you.

Reactions to the codes

Reactions to the codes

Torah code download free online

The codes appear to work against all basic intuition which is why many people initially find them hard to accept.

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'Too good to be true – must be a trick – look for the math’s errors to discount them'

are amongst the most common reactions.

IGNORE your own initial prejudices and look at the evidence, read the tables.

Every world event that has occurred has been found with all relevant times, dates, places and names of people 100% of the time with 100% total accuracy.

Torah Codes software, free download

The individual's acceptance of the codes often means a fundamental re-evaluation of beliefs, attitudes and life style, which another reason why people often find them challenging.

Torah Code Download Free Download

Predicting the future and codes

Predicting the future and codes

Torah Codes Download Free

The codes should not be used for predictions ( see False Drosnin Predictions ). We have free will and therefore circumstances can change. Also on a practical level we do not know all the descriptive terms until after an event so it's simply impossible to look for them!

So you may find a table for A and think A is going to occur but in fact what is encoded is the opposite of A. But the predictor did not think about looking for not A and only found part of the table. For more information, click here.

What came first, world events and then verification of them in the codes or the Torah and world events?

The bible is clearly shown here as a living book that contains ALL world events.They are to be used as total and certain verification of past and current events.

Plain & simple - the Facts

Plain & simple - the Facts

  • Accuracy of events - Every table that has been verified has accurate information contained within it that included the times, dates, places and people all connected to the specific event. There is no ambiguity.
  • Secondary level - Very often the Section in which the table appears within the Torah / Bible has significance or high relevance to be subject matter.
  • World Events - All the worlds history is contained within the Bible including art, politics, sport, religion and science events. Every world occurrence is contained meaningfully and according to strict scientific criteria as set out in the scientific part of the site.
  • It is totally unique - No other book in the world is able to bring out all the world events in a meaningful scientific manner. It's impossible.

Torah Code Download Free Version

Gematria Software (Tanakh Plus) - Features

· Exclusive 'Know-no-Hebrew' technology combines translation capabilities with Biblical software
· Seven methods of Gematria
· Gematria dictionary
· Gematria concordance
· Gematria calculator
· Verse retrieval by Gematria value
· Verse retrieval by key-words
· Verse retrieval by specified range of text
· Verse retrieval by first and last letter of verse
· Verse retrieval by first letters of sequential words
· Verse retrieval by last letters of sequential words
· Verse retrieval by first letters of sequential verses
· Verse retrieval by last letters of sequential verses
· Letter substitution encoding
· Complete Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible.
· Side by side English translation of the Hebrew text in parallel columns
· Synchronization of English and Hebrew text can be turned on/off
· On-screen bilingual transliteration keyboard
· Bilingual data bases
· Includes special True Type Hebrew fonts
· Hebrew text can be pasted into your word processor's document.
· Displays and prints Biblical Hebrew and English text
· Summary and description of every Bible book
· Biblical chronology from Abraham to the fall of Jerusalem
· Biographies of all the Israelite kings
· Maimonides’ list of the 613 commandments in the Pentateuch
· Description of the Biblical festivals
· Concordances: Hebrew, English, and King James.
· Concordance of Festival mentions in the Bible
· Unlimited word and phrase search in the Bible
· Virtual on-screen Hebrew keyboard with automatic transliteration from English
· User-specified colors for highlighting key letters and words in+ the text.
· Instant 'go to' book, chapter and verse.
· Inter-active with the optional companion bilingual dictionary/thesaurus Super Milon
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· Help Menu includes Contents and Index for quick and immediate consultation
· Bilingual databases
· Powerful bi-directional dictionary Hebrew to English, English to Hebrew
· User expandable bilingual dictionary
· Bilingual Lexicon database
· Complete list of all Biblical names with their English equivalents and meaning
· List of thousands of first names with their transliteration to Hebrew
· Date converter from Gregorian calendar to Hebrew calendar
Sale price: $24.95